
Our mushroom compost is a cradle-to-cradle product. What other companies regard as waste is the starting point for us.

Our compost is prepared from horse manure from riding stables, chicken manure from poultry farms, straw – which is itself a by-product of cereal growing – and gypsum, a substance produced in various industrial processes. Every year CNC gives more than 600,000 t of residual materials a new life. This makes us a sustainable link in the supply chain. After the mushrooms have been grown, the spent compost is used as a valuable soil improver in agriculture, thus completing the cycle.


We care

Within our business operations we work constantly on saving energy, reducing waste, creating safe working conditions and supporting a number of social causes. Our sustainability programme is based on four core themes: respect for the environment, food and health, responsibility in the supply chain, and corporate social responsibility.